Old Zion Lutheran Church

“For wherever two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
“Denn wo zwei oder drei in meinem Namen zusammenkommen, bin ich in ihrer Mitte” Matthäus 18:20 (Hoffnung für alle)

Welcome to Old Zion - Herzlich Willkommen!

You will find us at the intersection of N. Broad and Mt. Vernon Streets,
just six blocks north of City Hall, in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

By clicking the links above, you will be able to explore this site to learn about life and worship at Old Zion;
you will find the background of our historic church and information
about our Pastor, Services, and outreach projects.

Important Updates

Service Location due to heat

During the summer months, we expect that there will be several Sunday's where services will take place in our Fellowship Hall (where AC can be provided) rather than in the Sanctuary. While it is impossible to predict the temperature on a weekly basis, we will be sure to announce the location of services via our Social Media either on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. In the event that services are held in the Fellowship Hall, please enter the church using the door on Mt. Vernon Street, walk down the entry hallway, and use the doors on your left to enter the Fellowship Hall. Services will continue to be streamed regardless of their location.

The Council and Ministry of
Old Zion Lutheran Church

Philadelphia, PA

For information on our special services and programs for the season, please visit the Calendar page.

For seasonal changes, special holidays, and weekly updates please call 215-765-5883 (recording),
or click the calendar link above to view our upcoming services.

You can also keep up with our social-media presence
by visiting our Facebook page or following Old Zion on Instagram!

Old Zion Lutheran Church is a member of the
Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium

The ELCM is a church body of congregations and pastors holding to the Biblical teachings
of the Book of the Lutheran Confessions.

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