Old Zion Lutheran Church

“For wherever two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
“Denn wo zwei oder drei in meinem Namen zusammenkommen, bin ich in ihrer Mitte” Matthäus 18:20 (Hoffnung für alle)

What We Believe, Teach, and Confess

“Doctrine is not faith, but there is no faith without doctrine: we need to know in what we believe. Old Zion subscribes to the Christian Book of Concord, as it is written and as it stands — no ifs, no buts, no perhaps', no whether, no maybes, nor any wobbling about or mumbling in the bushes. We know that our Redeemer lives !”
~ The Rev. Dr. Carl H. Schmutzler


The above memorable words were first penned by the sainted Rev. Heinrich Schmutzler (✝ 2008) who served with distinction as pastor of our congregation for fifteen years. And his words continue to describe our commitment here at Old Zion to Scripture and to the Lutheran Confessions. Today, too, we know that our Redeemer lives! In a day of sectarian revisionism and an all-too-general “watering down” of God’s word, we are determined to proclaim the truth of Scripture which has been given to us. Therefore, we believe, teach, and confess: